Ledman Lagoons Repair Service

Experiencing issues with your pond, such as a leak or a malfunctioning pump? Ledman Lagoons & Ponds is here to help with any repair or equipment concerns you have. Our industry-certified technicians are skilled in addressing all types of equipment or construction failures in your water feature. While ecosystem ponds are generally low-maintenance, occasional equipment breakdowns are inevitable.

New customers may need to schedule a $100 Pond Evaluation before any repairs. This evaluation includes basic service or repair work during the visit and provides you with a comprehensive diagnostic report of your pond. Ledman Lagoons & Ponds’ exclusive Pond Evaluation report delivers detailed insights about your pond’s condition, all compiled in an easy-to-read PDF for your reference. The Pond Evaluation Fee will come off the price of any major service repair job needed as a liner replacement or new pump. Contact us today to schedule your evaluation and get your pond back in top shape!

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